Saturday, October 29, 2011
Otep - Rise, Rebel, Resist
perfect little spouses
in perfect little houses
it's family fun time
let's commit a hate crime
....if i can't be loved, then I'll be hated.
I'm disconnected
I'm uninspired
I'm burning in water
I'm drowning in fire
I'm trapped inside my mind
beneath these piles of stinking life
you use this abuse to keep me conquered
you're so absurdly common
vacant faces
brainless strangers
sputtering, stuttering insect language
I'm the creature you created
everyday i grow jaded
calloused and exasperated
if I'll never be loved
then I'll be hated
I'm one of the
freaks, the fagots,
the geeks, the savages,
rogues, rebels, dissident devils,
artists, martyrs, infidels ...
do we sit still
under attack?
or do we start pushing back?
never back up
never back down
I'm human pollution
I covet retribution
I'm just a big mistake
a defect you can subjugate
your ridicule is just typical antics
spineless, mindless, tragic, fanatic
puritan, bigot
lunatic, hypocrite
To save my soul from disaster
self-destruction could be the answer
if I'll never be loved
then I'll be hated
I'm one of the
freaks, the fagots,
the geeks, the savages,
rogues, rebels, dissident devils,
artists, martyrs, infidels ...
do we sit still
under attack?
or do we start pushing back?
never back up
never back down
so sadistic
all they see is another statistic
maybe I'm a misfit, maybe I'm different
it will never be an average existence
so sadistic
all they see is another statistic
If I can't be loved
then I'll be hated
it's family fun time
let's commit a hate crime
freaks, the fagots,
the geeks, the savages,
rogues, rebels, dissident devils,
artists, martyrs, infidels ...
do we sit still
under attack?
or do we start pushing back?
never back up
never back down
& fight

Otep-Battle ready
simple souls overload as I explode data banks
'cause the earth & space gave birth to this paleface
supreme -- linguistic -- mental machine
your brain cells swell - the intellects extreme
fire fills my veins as I proclaim my resistance
to the mind-swapping parasites that feed off my existence
as I -- skin the burn to relearn the royal plan
somewhere out beyond the edges in the depths of spirit land
it's authentic, apocalyptic destroyer
damaging challengers -- resurrection, disorder
a monument of crisis - I strike this - your dead
line my nest with your soul -- cleansed in bloodshed
poets gonna take control
souls violate parole
violently invade your home
-- breaking the bones
commanding the mic -- striking up a verb-fest
mass destruction is my function - time to put it to the test
in combat --- attacking since way back
in the days I drew praise for the way that I slain facts
formulating flows in revolutionary science
it's the catastrophic prophet from the anarchist alliance
freaking techniques -- this creature of speech
ewe feels the fury of devastation 'cause ewe ewe tasted defeat
I'm alone on my throne in this universe of fear
royalty divides my soul -- in this role I'm revered
as the pinnacle -- lyrical master -- queen of disaster
I ruin brain fluid -- the UNKNOWN IS WHAT I'M AFTER
shaking up the world -- just like the 2nd coming of Christ
-- when I write -- thrice divine with this goddess sight
words will flow -- wounds will grow
ewe knows -- bones will be exposed from the force that I unload
it's THE SOUL EATER!! -- mic bleeder with the voice of chaos
I got the nectar of the gods flowing from my mental pod
gather the flock -- alarm your block
tell them the shepherds have come & got the keys to unlock
a holy war -- through your veins it courses
more lyrical artillery than the armed forces
supernatural -- styles be volatile
it's the mind manipulator -- the WAR CHILD
we came to defy - living life as a lie
we embryonic satellites need our freedom to fly
TO WATCH DIE! -- agonizing cries are heard in stereo
I'm visualizing battlefield scenarios
in the line of fire -- watching empires fall
into attack position -- ELIMINATE ALL!!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Idan Raichel & India Arie, Mai Nahar (River Waters)
Flowing waters of the river
These are the days of your life
The waters of your life
Washed in the current
That begins with the first rain
Flowing water of the river
These are the streams of water
That will reach an anguished desert
With the falling silence
Even if I drink the entire ocean
It will not quench my thirst
For another day close to you
For another day in your arms
Even if I sit under the sun
Her rays will not burn me
As my heart burns in the flames of your love

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Tool - 10,000 Days Hidden Track (Full Perfect Sync)
Tool's Epic Do-It-Yourself Song
Three separate tracks from the latest Tool album can be assembled into a different one -- it's like Voltron, only with progressive metal songs instead of progressive metal robots (seriously, those guys had a woman pilot before most airlines). But plenty of bands do multi-part songs, so there's nothing special about it, right?
Well, the difference is that, in this case, you don't get the full song by doing something as mundane as playing one track after the other -- you get it by changing the order and playing them at the same time.
By themselves, the songs seem completely different: "10,000 Days" (11:13) is a long prog-rock number, "Wings for Marie" (6:11) is a quiet song that builds up into a crescendo, and "Viginti Tres" (5:02) is just a bunch of weird noises. 6:11 plus 5:02 adds up to 11:13 -- that's because you're supposed to put "Viginti Tres" and "Wings for Marie" together (in that order) and play them at the same time as "10,000 Days."
If that sounds too complicated for you, check out the demonstration above. You'll notice that the weird sounds from "Viginti Tres" seem to be in sync with the melody of "10,000 Days."
The band has never acknowledged any of this, but if you listen to the full song it's pretty obvious that they did this intentionally ... which is both mind-blowingly awesome and a little bit insane.

Lacho Eli - To You My God
To you, my God, is my passion In you is my desire and my love To you is my heart and my kidneys To you is my spirit and my soul Bring me back and I shall return And may you want my repentance To you are my hands and my feet And of you are my qualities To you I am while I live And also after my death
Boaz Mauda - For better days
To happiness that is truly\more sincere To jealousness to crumble down with\ in a small touch To the wounds that are closed Knifes that are less sharp To sadness, that well less seep\ permeates Like small tears of joy That are dropping\falling down to the river We won't be able to change everything So, what is left? To bless the silence That there is over the fence To make a toast with an empty glass For sweet desperation And for better days..
Diamanda Galas - Artémis
by Gerard Nerval
The Thirteenth returns... Once more she is the first;
And she is still the only one, or is this the only moment;
For you are surely queen, first and last?
For you are surely king, O first and last lover?...
Love the one who loves you from the cradle to the grave;
The one alone I love loves me dearly still:
She is death - or the dead one... Delight or torment!
And the rose she holds is the hollyhock.
Saint of Naples with your hands full of fire,
Mauve-hearted rose, flower of Saint Gudule:
Have you discovered your cross in the desert of the skies?
White roses, fall! you offend our gods,
Diamanda Galas - Double Barrel Prayer
The dogs have come today
The dogs have come to stay
It’s time to get your gun out
And drive the dogs away
They can smell your blood inside
It’s too late to run and hide
The dogs are on their way
Prepare yourself today
Glory to God in the highest
And on earth peace to men of good will.
We praise thee; we bless thee;
We adore thee; we glorify thee
We give thanks to thee for thy great glory.
O Lord, Heavenly King,
God the Father Almighty.
O Lord, the only begotton son, Jesus Christ,
O Lord, Lam of God, son of the Father
The dogs know when you’re sleeping
They know when you’re awake
How fast your heart is beating,
So be ready, or too late.
They’ll drag you by the collar
And take you through the town
Your friends can help no longer
Once your ass is on the ground
Thou who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy upon us and receive our prayer,
Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father,
Have mercy upon us.
For thou art holy,
Thou only art the Lord, thou only, Jesus Christ, art most high,
With the holy ghost in the glory of God the Father,
Have mercy upon us and receive our prayer,
Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father,
Have mercy upon us.
For thou art holy,
Thou only art the Lord, thou only, Jesus Christ, art most high,
With the holy ghost in the glory of God the Father,
The dogs have come today
The dogs have come to stay
The dogs want you to pay
And this is what I say:
The trick to saying prayers
When the devil’s in the way
Is to help god pull the trigger
On the dogs this judgement day
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Niyaz - Golzar!
"Come, the meadows are in bloom
Come, the Beloved has arrived.
Lay the entire Heavens and the Earth.
Before the magnificent sun.
For the rays of exaltation
Have pervaded and illuminated all things.
Mock the cold heart that won't rejoice
Weep for him who has torn himself away.
Come, the meadows are in bloom.
Come, the Beloved has arrived."
Azam Ali - From Heaven to Dust!
The leaves tell
Of the flower's death
Of the hours spent
In this graveyard
No one tending to its pain
No one tending to its shame
Your eyes tell
Of a star's death
Its house drained
Of old memories
Of the night holding within its claim
The light pending to pay its debt
Niyaz - Feraghi (Song Of Exile) - Acoustic!
"This separation has caused me immense sorrow
Destiny has me chained to this state
O beloved, release me from these chains
For I am bound by the dust in this estranged land
What is it you seek from me
That you cast your chains upon a free man?
You enslaved me in this state without any compassion
Burning away all my youth
Till when can my patience withstand this separation?
Till when can I forbear this separation?
If I were to reunite with you just one more time
I would reveal to you all about the anguish of my exile."
Ben Selvin & his Orchestra - Dardanella - 1919
The very first million-selling dance record, Dardanella - played by Ben Selvin and his Novelty Orchestra. Recorded in New York on 20 November 1919.
The original US-release was on the Victor label, but this particular record was aimed at the Scandinavian market. The Gramophone Company, which was Victor's European sister company, placed in the UK, released records in Denmark, Sweden and Norway under the name "Concert Record Gramophone" from 1903 to 1923, then switched the name to the more familiar "His Master's Voice".

Monday, October 17, 2011
Jimi Hendrix -Trashman
Sunday, October 16, 2011
: Oceana